solar energy

The weather phenomenon “Blood Rain” returned to Spain (and more is on it’s way), causing mud showers. The phenomenon occurs when dust particles from the Sahara, in Morocco, are brought by the wind towards Spain and get mixed with rain.

The rain can therefore have a red/brown colour, hence the name “blood rain”.

Residents in parts of Andalusia, Murcia and the regions of Alicante and Valencia have noticed that last week the streets and cars were covered in this red/brownish layer.

This red/brownish layer will also cover the solar panels of our customers, which can have a negative effect on the production of solar energy.

We therefore recommend cleaning your solar panels after such a weather phenomenon, so that the efficiency of the system remains high.

Would you rather not clean the panels yourself but have one of our teams do it (and perhaps a technical inspection)?

Then you can make an appointment via our online reservation system or via

We will make sure that your solar panels look spick and span, so that they reach the highest possible efficiency again and are ready for the sunshine in the spring!